10th day of my 30 day 3D challenge. All I wanna say today is: Tonberry? What was I thinking?? (For those of you who don’t know, Tonberry is a recurring enemy from the Final Fantasy game series)
I am new to 3D and some days, projects that seem easy to me, turn out much more demanding. Today was one of these days.
It was fun nevertheless. At least I experimented with techniques and materials I never used before. For example combining glass and metal to make the lantern.

Or making the cloth and the folds. Which took forever and still doesn’t look the way it should. Well, Digital sculpting is hard…

I feel I called it done too early. I could have added a lot more details, I could have used some textures. But if I had done so, it would be sloppy and rushed. So, I decided to leave it as is, and maybe come back another day to add details and textures. Tomorrow I plan to take it down a notch, do something less complicated, but make it as detailed and realistic as possible. We’ll see!