Oh, My, Gosh! Is it November already? Last couple of months were hectic, in a not-so-good way. But things are beginning to settle and here I am again, doing what I love the most.
Vlahos is a friend whom I know since College, and Matina asked me to draw him. I was nervous about the result because it was months since I last picked up a pencil and I was afraid I had forgotten everything. It turned out that I didn’t, even though it took longer than normally (thank you Matina for your patience!)

- Winsor&Newton smooth surface cartridge pad 230gsm
- Staedtler Mars Lumograph B-6B
- Tombow mono zero eraser
- putty eraser
- tissues for blending
As you can tell, I picked up all my favorite tools, to be safe, since I hadn’t drawn anything in ages.
I loved the end result, although if I would start again, I would do a couple of things differentntly, regarding technique and composition alike. The face is too small and it was hard to cram so many details in just a few centimeters of paper. Not to mention that the drawing came out too serious, and Vlahos is one of the funniest people in the world. Next time I will ask Matina to send me a funny reference photo!
And for those of you who want to know more about Vlahos, he is a talented drummer (among other things), go check him out!