8th day of my 30 day 3D challenge.
Some days are good, some days are … not so good. Today was not so good, I had zero time, (also I was quite burnt out by yesterday’s project) so I went for something relatively easy – a cartoonish lion. Inspired by a lion sticker on our fridge, we are an artsy family, so we let the little ones … express themselves!

Even though I didn’t make any real progress today, for the first time I felt true joy working on 3D. I am by now quite familiar with nomad sculpt app, and I enjoyed very much blocking the cartoonish lion with basic shapes. Makes me wonder if this is the direction I should go from now on.

And of course, I needed to go crazy with the presentation – my favorite part! I am a rookie here (well, I am a rookie to 3D in general) but I love playing with effects, lighting, scene for my final render. Which is weird because when working in 2D, I struggle with the presentation of the artwork. Well, what can I say, art is an unexpected journey.