Welcome to day 11 of another 30 day 3D challenge. Today’s subject is a bunch (there are two of them, plural, so theoretically it’s a bunch) of skeleton keys.
My first idea was to model my own keys. But they are … too many, old, dirty and not appealing to the eye. As an artist that I am (you can argue that, but let’s agree for the sake of this blog that I truly am an artist) you would expect that I own aesthetically pleasing stuff. In reality I do not pay any attention to my personal items. As long as they do the job… I don’t care. Yep, I am a deeply disturbed person. (My husband calls me a “black hole”, I leave a trail of entropy, of untidiness in my path. Of course he doesn’t mean it. Or does he?! 🤔)

So I went for something more elegant. And ended up modeling a couple of skeleton keys. Much better than my own, right?

And since it was an easy and fast project (minimal sculpting, just combining many basic shapes), I took the remaining time to play with the environment – my favorite! I think I did a decent job.