
30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 19: Snowglobe

19th day of my 30 day 3d challenge. Since it’s Sunday and weekends aren’t my forte, (regarding productivity) I went for something simple. At the last minute I decided to utilize yesterday’s snowflakes as well. So, here’s a simple, funny and Christmassy Snowglobe.

Snowglobe in Nomad Sculpt

A fun project that came out a bit cartoony, but I’m pretty happy overall. The project was straightforward, nothing too difficult that I wouldn’t figure out how to do. I could have polished things up, but hey, it’s Sunday afterall! Hope tomorrow I will have a fancier project to show!

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Picture of Ioanna Ladopoulou

Ioanna Ladopoulou

Designer, illustrator

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