Day 4 of my 30 Day 3D challenge. Today it is Saturday, kids are home running around all the time, so I chose something relatively easy. Or so I thought.
I went for a ”simple” cupcake, that not only wasn’t simple, but also turned out fake and plastic. I rushed it, I didn’t have the time to do it justice. I learned a lot nevertheless. 🙂

My main issue today was that, what I thought as a simple geometric shape (yes, cup, I am talking to you) turned out a lot more complicated. I am pi$$ed that I couldn’t find a way to make the lines ”perfect”. Instead I ended up sculpting the shape from the beginning. I am pretty sure there’s a better way it could be done. If you know something guys, please let me know!

I might continue with the cupcake tomorrow, it deserves to look delicious and not plastic, right?! (After all it’s a 30-day-challenge, not a 30-items-challenge) Or I may redo the cupcake when I am more confident with nomad sculpt and 3D in general. We’ll see!