30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 15: Diamond Ring

15th Day of my 30 day 3D challenge. Half way there.

Just like yesterday, I chose something more on the design side, something with sharp lines and geometric shapes. A diamond ring. And no, I don’t like diamonds, I don’t even like jewerly in general. My closest thing to jewerly is my apple watch. Still, one cannot but admire the beauty of these shapes!

I was always fascinated by geometry (yes, even the one we study at school!) but making the shape of the diamond proved harder than I thought. Even though my initial ambition was to do something like this:

What a real diamond should look like

, I had to simplify the shape a lot. And ended with something like this:

Diamond in Nomad Sculpt

Hope one day I will manage to properly cut a diamond. Ahem, in Nomad Sculpt! Until then…

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