
30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 6: Reindeer

6th day today of my 30 day 3D challenge.
After a hectic Saturday and Sunday, that I tried my best not to give up on the challenge, today is Monday. Kids went back to school, I spent the whole day at the office… I thought I would do some real progress. But it was a nightmare, my worst experience with Nomad Sculpt so far. In less than an hour, it crashed 16 times. (And yes, I have it all filmed, I might do a video compilation for … entertainment purposes!) In defense of the app, I think the problem was me. I overdid it with the vertices. I tend to subdivide as much as the app allows me, but this is not the answer. You might know this already (I feel like reinventing the wheel or something) but you should always use the SMALLEST amount of vertices that will still give you decent details. Otherwise, well, the app will crash. I learned the hard way.

Anyways, today I sculpted a cartoonish reindeer. After all, it’s this time of the year again! Didn’t use any reference, which was a bad idea because it looks more like a pig and less like a reindeer. But, that’s ok, I love that I am beginning to unlock my imagination at last. Maybe it’s because I am learning something new, maybe it’s because I quit social media a while ago, I am finally at peace with myself.

Sculpting a cartoonish reindeer in Nomad Sculpt

I also tried to do some heavy texturing, which I believe contributed to the crashing problem.

Texturing in Nomad Sculpt

I really hope the crashing problem was a result of the large number of vertices. Otherwise I’m gonna have a big … problem! And I haven’t even done something really complicated yet…

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Picture of Ioanna Ladopoulou

Ioanna Ladopoulou

Designer, illustrator

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