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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Another 30 Days Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 8: Scotch on the Rocks

Day 8 of another 30 days 3D challenge, and after many many transparent models, glasses, liquids, perfumes and bulbs, I still cannot model liquid-within-glass in a realistic manner. Shall I give up? Nahhh, never! But I am certainly frustrated. This time there was an additional difficulty, the ice tubes, so

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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Tutorial: Semi-Realistic Flame in Nomad Sculpt

Day 7 of another 30 day 3d challenge. Once again I failed miserably at uploading videos daily. This time however, it was not my fault. My internet connection failed me. Did I mention how much I hate it when something is out of my control?? Anyway, today’s model (or… yesterday’s,

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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Tutorial: Safety Pin in Nomad Sculpt

“Officially” it’s the 4th day of another 30 day 3D challenge. Something super simple today (for various personal reasons which I won’t get into detail, this is an art blog after all!) but at least I took the chance to make a tutorial for all of ya. Although it’s a

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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Another 30 Days Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 3: Iron Man Mask

Day 3 of “Another 30 Day 3D Challenge”. A very ambitious project today, that I wasn’t ready for, but I didn’t know at that time. I’m still quite new to Nomad Sculpt so I tend to make wrong assumptions about a project. Some of them prove to be a lot

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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Another 30 Days Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 2: Cup of Coffee

Day 2 today of Another 30 days 3D challenge, and I almost messed up. I was working on a very challenging and demanding project (which I hope you will see tomorrow) which wasn’t ready on time. So, the last moment I changed plans and started a cup of coffee. And

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Another 30 day 3D challenge

Another 30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 1: Perfume

So, a couple days back I finished my 30 day 3D challenge. And instead of feeling relieved that this daily sculpting/posting/editing thing is over… here I am today with another 3D model. The thing is that I became so accustomed to this daily routine, that it is hard to …

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Coloring pages

PJ Masks Coloring Pages (and colored paper)

I don’t know about you, but I love drawing on colored paper. A few years back, it was my favorite medium. Fast forward to the present. I may not draw traditionally as much as I used to, but I found a new way to have fun with colored paper. My

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30 day 3D challenge

Tutorial: Chess Pieces in Nomad Sculpt

Day 30 today of my 30 day 3d challenge. If you’ve been reading my blog, you might have noticed days 27, 28 and 29 are missing. Why? Because sometimes life happens, and sometimes it is nasty. But even thought I kinda messed up just before the finale, here I am

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30 day 3D challenge

30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 26: Anna

26th Day of my 30 day 3d challenge. And second time I sculpted a face. The first time it was Elsa from Frozen, and now I chose her sister Anna. You might not notice any improvement, some elements are not worked as much as they should have been (yes, hair,

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30 day 3D challenge

30 Day Nomad Sculpt Challenge – Day 25: Hand-sanitizer

25th day of my 30 Day 3D challenge. Something really quick and easy today, but hey, it’s Christmas after all! Merry Christmas everyone! At least, I took the chance to upload the teal time process for those of you who have been asking for a tutorial. And although it is

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